Two years ago, at the age of 55, Lisa Goodhue gathered
up some courage and quit her job. She had been teaching in the public
school system for 24 years. Her passion for classroom teaching had started to wane, her three
children had grown up and moved on with their lives, and she had the
choice to teach for another 10 years to collect a great pension, or to
take a risk and try something new. She chose to move to Tampico, Mexico,
and to continue her teaching career there for half of the salary she
was making in the U.S.
Lisa grew in Tampico: she met people, learned Spanish, traveled the country,
and continued to teach. Before she left for Tampico she had posted her
resume all over the place, and had applied for many jobs of all types.
After a few months in Mexico, she got a request from Dynamic WordWorks to
be an SME (Subject Matter Expert) for an on-line world mythology
course. Lisa accepted and learned how to be an SME, leading to a job in Malaysia.
Come learn about taking personal risks and following an
unexpected path with this presentation by former Conval teacher Lisa
Goodhue. Free and open to all. You don't have to be a Hancock resident
to enjoy programs at the Hancock Town Library!
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