Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Minutes from Friends of the Library Meeting

Here are the minutes from the November 2007 FHTL meeting.

Friends of the Hancock Library -- Minutes of Meeting

Tuesday, November 13, 2007 at 7:00 PM

Present: Leeni Gravlin-Dunn, Beth GrosJean, Walter Clark, Jane Richards-Jones, Jim Musarra, Amy Markus, Alison Rossiter, Jean Harrison, Mary Garland, Eleanor Falcon

The meeting was called to order by Alison Rossiter at 7 PM.

Secretary’s Report: The minutes of the September 19th meeting were distributed and accepted as written.

Treasurer’s Report: Jim Musarra proposed a budget of $14,550, the result of his judiciously fine-tuning the recommendations of the budget committee meeting held on October 17th. He noted that within the proposed budget there were increases which reflect increased or new needs including: reserve fund - $2,000; new technology - $1,500; audio/visual - $2,000; maintenance - $2,200; and furnishings - $1,000. A copy of the proposed budget was distributed. A motion moved by Beth GrosJean and seconded by Jane Richards-Jones was passed unanimously. Copy of budget is attached.

Director’s Report: Amy Markus reported that she and the volunteers are well into the Children’s Room with bar coding. She distributed copies of the November programs at the Library (attached). The new furnace is up and running. The Beowulf presentation at the Harris Center was a great success with ninety in attendance. The mead served undoubtedly contributed to the festive mood. Winter activities include a Ductagami program using duck tape to make gifts, activities co-sponsored with the Harris Center, and a gender series at the Grapevine. Shakespeare will be returning. Personal collections for the showcase are needed.

President’s Report: Alison reported the minutes will now be posted on the library’s blog. Kim Brady has agreed to be a member-at-large. Alison presented a motion to add Kim as a member-at-large and it was seconded by Beth GrosJean. Motion passed.

Program Committee Reports

Baby Book Bags: Distribution is complete to date, with Jane Richards-Jones and Eleanor Falcon delivering a bag to recent new babies. Walter Clark recommended Dover books for three-to-four year olds. They are very inexpensive.

In-home Services: A mailing of approximately 300 letters was done (a questionnaire was included with the annual letter). Of the half dozen responses, no one identified that they need the service but felt it is a good service to have. Given that there is no current need for a formalized service, no further effort will be made to organize such. In the past, the Library staff and volunteers have provided such services for the occasional patrons who could benefit.

Handypersons: No report and no identified needs.

Speaker/Film Programs: Tom now has ample popcorn.

Old Business:

Membership List: The membership list has been updated. It was noted that, over the years (list dates back to 2000) some people donated once and were never heard from again. The current number of ‘active’ members is in excess of 350 at this time. The list will be placed in a folder in the Library file.

New Business:

Book Bags: A few were sold at the Book Sale. A decision was made to sell them as holiday gift bags for $15.00 apiece. Amy will sell them at the counter and will make a sign to draw attention to them. The next reorder will come in a different color than the present red.

Library Brochure: The brochure is currently on a disc which we are unable to access, although Roberta Beeson tried. Alison will contact Laurie Bryan who may be able to provide some creative student talent from ConVal to recreate the brochure in a computer format that can be used more easily. This will allow information in the brochure to be readily updated.

The next meeting will be held Tuesday, January 8, 2008 at 7 PM.

Update: Please note that due to the recently scheduled NH Primary on January 8, 2008, the Friends will be meeting on Tuesday, January 15 at 7 PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Eleanor Falcon

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