Thursday, March 13, 2008

Friends of the Library Minutes from January Meeting

Friends of the Hancock Library Minutes of Meeting

Tuesday, January 15, 2008 at 7:00 PM

Present: Tom Pisaturo, Leeni Gravlin-Dunn, Beth GrosJean, Walter Clark, Jane Richards-Jones, Jim Musarra, Amy Markus, Alison Rossiter, Shirley Kane, Betsy Salazar, Sophia Rallis, Eleanor Falcon

The meeting was called to order by Alison Rossiter at 7 PM.

The meeting agenda was reviewed; no additional items added. It was suggested and agreed that the Vice President, Jane Richards-Jones, will post the agenda of upcoming meetings in the Library and on Post Office bulletin board one week prior to the meeting date.

Secretary’s Report: Accepted as written.

Treasurer’s Report: Jim Musarra reported that the organization’s treasury totals $12,198. Recent disbursements were made for a new checkout computer for $488 and a down loadable book license for $200.

Director’s Report: Weather permitting, a computer guru is expected on Friday to set up a checkout computer. Amy Markus bought a second barcode scanner and wiil be able to download. In reviewing the past year, Amy reported the additional computer received 2,593 hits. She noted there were 292 users in August alone. In December the figure was at its lowest: 195 users. The Library has 18,541 new materials and has sponsored 60 events. People who were present at these events totaled 4,942. There also were 28 non-library groups using the Library with a total of 1,078 participants. One thousand nine hundred and eight children were read to.

The periodicals most read are the Monadnock Ledger-Transcript, Cooking Lite, and The New Yorker. There also is someone who loves Down East. The Friends donation to the purchase/installation of a new, functionally efficient furnace provided a very comfortable meeting site on a very cold evening.

Coming events in January include a co-sponsored Grapevine series, beginning with “Raising Boys, Raising Girls,” at the Library with Jane Richards-Jones, M.A., and Wendy Hill, M.Ed. The third Friday evening film, “Paradise Now,” will be shown January 18. For the fifth consecutive year Tibby Tobey is presenting a Shakespearean event, this one entitled “Shakespeare for Snowy Days.” February events include a Winter Festival with a snow sculpture behind the Library. The Library is also co-sponsoring the Harris Center Institute classes.

Baby Book Program: No new babies. No report.

Old Business:

Library Brochure: The Library brochure will be updated. Mary Lou O’Neil provided the name of a contact at ConVal with whom Alison will discuss either the transfer of the brochure from the current CD onto a Windows-friendly CD (to allow for ease of editing) or the creation of a new brochure by ConVal students. Shirley and Betsy agreed to work with Amy to identify information changes that will need to be included.

Meeting Minutes: The minutes of the FHTL meetings are now posted on the Library website.

Book Bag Sales: There have been no sales but it’s nice to have the bags on hand.

New Business:

Dot Grim Memorial Gift: A dear friend of the Library, Dot Grim, has passed away. Her family suggested memorial gifts be given to the Library. Amy has suggested purchasing books in honor of Dot and all she did for the Library. It was agreed that books be purchased up to the sum of $50. The book plates are to read: “Given in Memory of Dot Grim from the Friends of the Hancock Town Library.”

Community Supper Co-Sponorship: The Hancock Women’s Club is sponsoring the Community Supper March 27, the last Thursday of the month, and would like the FHTL to participate by providing desserts. It was agreed we would participate and a laminated sign would be placed on the dessert table. Eleanor Falcon volunteered to approach Michael Havey of Yasvin Designs and work with him on producing two laminated signs to read:
Provided by the Friends of the Hancock Town Library
Sponsored by the Friends of The Hancock Town Library

The next meeting will be Tuesday, March 11 at 7 PM. (town election day.)

Respectfully submitted,

Eleanor Falcon

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