Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Library Trustee Minutes 11.10.10

Minutes Hancock Library Board of Trustees
November 10, 2010

Present: Amy Markus, Mary Garland, Laurie Bryan, Peter Ryner

The minutes of the October 27, 2010 meeting were approved.
The Treasurer's report was approved.

Daniels Room Policy: After some discussion it was unanimously voted to approve the serving of alcohol at Library-sponsored functions.

Capital Improvements: It was agreed that the roof should be replaced in 2011, and that the Library should submit a request for partial funding to the Town as a Warrant Article.

It was agreed that hand written thank you letters will be sent to anyone contributing $500 or more to the Library's capital fund.

Amy indicated that she has received information from the State which relates to best practices for volunteers. A central issue is to assure that volunteers do not undertake work that should be performed by Library employees. Unlike most libraries, Hancock uses volunteers for tasks such as checking out books; a task often performed by paid employees.

Amy pointed out that this could have a major impact on the Library's budget. Trustees asked if these guidelines were suggestions or whether they were “legal” standards. Amy thought that the information was a combination of Federal Law, common sense, and policies that various libraries have adopted. Laurie and Peter volunteered to review this information.

The next meeting will be on December 22 at 1 pm.

Submitted by Peter Ryner

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