Friday, May 31, 2013

Library Trustee Minutes for May 2013

MAY 22, 2013

Present: Laurie Bryan, Amy Markus, Mary Garner, Erik Spitzbarth, Peter Ryner

The April minutes were accepted.
The Treasurer's report was accepted.

Mary provided an update on obtaining new carpeting for the library.  She had received three separate bids.  All three providers recommended that carpet tiles be used, so that if major stains take place, as has happened in the Daniel's room on several occasions, a section of carpet can be replaced.  There was a discussion of costs and colors, and it was agreed that Mary would provide specific carpet samples from two vendors for the next meeting, which due to scheduling conflicts will be held on June 12 at 1 pm.  Mary was thanked for her considerable effort.

Amy provided a cost proposal to construct additional paved pathways along the side and back of the library building.  There was agreement that this appeared to be a reasonable proposal, and that Amy could move ahead on getting that done with Mathewson’s doing the work.

Amy provided a cost proposal for replacing the furnace.  There was some concern regarding the price, and Amy was asked to see if she could obtain at least one additional proposal.  Laurie indicated that she might be able to obtain the name of an additional vendor.

There was then a discussion of a proposal to repair the Library foundation.  The proposal included the options of either repairing sections that are presently most severely damaged or to re-do the entire foundation.  In response to a question Amy estimated that the existing foundation had been in place since 1988.  Based on that Peter suggested that it might be prudent to resurface the entire foundation, since the coating used appeared to becoming brittle along several sections. This topic will also be revisited at the June 12 meeting.

Peter reported that he had contacted two sign vendors and to date only one had responded, indicating that replacement of the sign would probably cost no more than  $250, but that he would have more exact figures, in writing, by the June meeting.  Peter also indicated that he had asked for an additional estimate for repairing/replacing the sign brackets and chains, and an additional price estimate for replacing the entire support pole.  There was some discussion as to the need for replacing the pole, and it was agreed that this would be discussed further when there was an estimate of price, at the June meeting.

Laurie summarized that the Board needed to identify how much money was needed in total for these repairs so that any of the unused capital improvement funds presently held in cash could be re-invested.

Amy then reported that she feels it is important to move forward in 2013 with obtaining new library information software.  The existing software is not being properly supported by the vendor, and some other libraries are reporting considerable success with new software.  The cost of the software plus the cost of transferring data from the existing system to the new system appears to cost in the range of $5000.  There was a discussion of where such funds should come from, and whether there might be sources of funding other than the library's capital account.  The Trustees encouraged Amy to obtain additional information regarding software and vendor options along with costs and funding options.

There was a discussion of the growing demand for use of the Daniel's room, which at present is one of only three locations in Hancock (Town Hall and Vestry) where groups can meet.  Recently there have been occasional parking problems.  Erik reported that the Selectmen recently decided to allow parking on both sides of School Street and 'No Parking' signs will be removed.  This was done after holding a public hearing and getting input from Police and Public Works.  It was agreed that this would help the parking situation, but resulted in a broader discussion of how to let the public know where parking was prohibited and allowed.

Eric had been asked to discuss the possible installation of more informational signs regarding prohibited parking between Route 137 and School Street.  He reported that the Selectmen felt that additional signage would be too urban in this historically rural small town stretch of roadway.

It was agreed that Amy would try to provide more guidance to the public by including a statement regarding where parking was not allowed at the bottom of her press releases and in the Hancock Happenings, as well, perhaps on the Library's web page.  It was agreed that it is not Amy's responsibility to install 'no parking' signs along sections of roadway before each library program.

Laurie then suggested that perhaps additional parking spaces should be created on the presently grassed area behind the existing Library parking lot.  It was felt that several spaces could be created while also leaving a strip for garden or landscaping.  It was agreed that this might be of benefit not only for Library meetings but as well for other public events when parking was at a premium.  It was agreed that this would be discussed further at future meetings.

Amy reviewed upcoming library programs for June and reported that the programs in April and May had been well attended. 

The next Library Trustee meeting will be on June 12 at 1pm, and there will also be a regular meeting in July, but probably not in August.

The meeting ended at 2pm.
Submitted by Peter Ryner

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