Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Minutes from Trustee Meeting 10.22.08

Draft Minutes of the October 22, 2008 meeting of Hancock Library Trustees

Mary Garland, Amy Markus, Laurie Bryan

Secretary’s Report:
Minutes of September 24, 2008 meeting were accepted.

Treasurer’s Report:

Old Business:
Laurie will talk with Kurt about the library driveway before the November trustee’s meeting.

Director’s Report:
Amy reviewed upcoming events

The Friends of the Library are donating about $10,000 for programs, materials and a love seat and curtains for the children’s room.

General Discussion:
Capital Improvements for the next 5 years were discussed. Alison Rossiter is gathering information. Capital items include:
- New carpet - $12,000 estimate
- Roof is a 30 year roof and was put on in 1988 – will need replacing in 2015
- Foundation insulation needs sealing
- Outside needs paint in some areas
- Windows in children’s room need replacing

Amy will talk to Nevan and get an estimate on foundation work and windows.

There was discussion about the value of having an annual review for Amy. It would provide time to set goals for the coming year, discuss what is going well and where there are challenges and identify areas of professional development that would be helpful for the director. The board agreed to have the review at the November meeting. Laurie will provide an outline format for the review.

Next Meetings: November 26 at 1:00 p.m.

Meeting adjourned at 1:40 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Laurie Bryan
Acting Secretary

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