Saturday, March 31, 2012

Medea Performed Sunday April 1st

Sunday April 1st @ 2:00 pm
The Hourglass Readers Perform Medea

The Hourglass Readers will present a reading of Euripides’ Medea. This play, first performed in 431 BCE, is based on the myth, well-known to the Greeks of Euripides’ time, about the immortal sorceress and granddaughter of Helius (the sun god), who fell passionately in love with the hero Jason and helped him to steal the fabulous golden fleece. When Jason deserted her some years later, Medea took a horrible revenge. But Euripides’ real subject is not a gory revenge tale but the horrors that can result from interactions between mortals and immortals. The Hourglass Readers is dedicated to performing readings of classical works in abridged versions, allowing actors and audiences to explore works not often performed. Free and open to all.

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