Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Library Trustee Minutes March 28, 2012



MARCH 28, 2012

Present: Mary Garland, Amy Markus, Laurie Bryan, Peter Ryner

The meeting was called to order at 1:00 pm.

The minutes of February 22, 2012 were approved.

The Treasures report was approved.

Directors Report

The Board formally approved revisions to the Personnel Policy, clarifying matters of vacation, sick days and personal days.

Amy reviewed Library activities for the month of April.

Amy stated that Mary had selected a color scheme for repainting the windows in the front room. There was discussion as to whether, as had been suggested at various points in the past, the windows should first be replaced, for energy efficiency, before the new colors are added. It was agreed that this deserved further consideration and that Amy and Peter would look into possible sources of funding before the next Trustee meeting. It was further agreed that the repainting would not take place until the Board has discussed this further.

It was agreed that the Board would change the time of future regular Board meetings to 9:00 am, while keeping the day of meetings on the fourth Wednesday of each month, unless otherwise noted. Thus the next meeting of the Board will be on April 25th at 9am.

Submitted by Peter Ryner

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